Coaching Programs

The Power of Intention

In rowing, there's a phenomenon that teams experience when everyone is truly aligned, when they are all pulling together and it feels effortless.

They call it "swing".

What would it be like if you had swing in your team? In your organization? In your life!

Apply for a complimentary Vision Clarity Session here:

Coaching Programs

The more you learn about leadership development, the more you realize that it's really about one thing: consistently shifting out of reactivity/safety patterning and into proactivity/vision creation.

Choice Point Leadership coaching uses multiple modalities to help you achieve this shift.

Programs can be done on an individual basis or as a team.

The Authentic Leader: the Path to Intentional Leadership.

Horse-Assisted Coaching: the Path to Embodying Presence. Train your energetic awareness and capability.

The Authentic Leader

This program is designed for those who want to create real change in their leadership, their teams and their lives. The exact combination of elements will be customized to your circumstances.

The program consists of:

  • The Positive Intelligence® program

    6-week app-based learning to develop Mental Fitness

  • Individual online sessions.

    The number of sessions is customized to how much individual versus group work you wish to engage in.

  • The Sage Embodiment (Horse-Assisted Coaching) program

    Can be done individually or with a group.

  • Invitation to the monthly Sage Leader Mastermind

  • Access to 6-modules of leadership content:

    o Imposter Syndrome to Confidence

    o Giving and Receiving Feedback

    o Core Navigation (Developing Purpose)

    o Energy Management

    o Influence

    o Strategy in Action

    o Powerful Decisions

The learning and development modules of "The Authentic Leader" program can accompany this individual coaching intensive, be self-paced curriculum for your team with no coaching, or be delivered on-site to your team in a series of workshops.

Horse-Assisted Coaching

These programs are designed to increase awareness of and shift the impact the energetic body. Horse-Assisted Education programs are available:

  • - as individual learning

  • - with your intact team as a one-day experience

  • - in a group workshop

The programs are currently delivered at Medicine Horse Ranch in Tomales, CA. It is possible to make arrangements to bring the programs to other locations outside the San Francisco Bay Area.

We regularly work with other executive coaches, management consultants and internal HR/OD professionals to bring Horse-Assisted Education to a wide variety of organizations.


Karrie Dewan

Consultant at

Link Financial

Janet was instrumental in supporting me as I took on a new position within an organization undergoing significant change.

I questioned my abilities to perform in my new role and struggled to find my voice.

Janet worked with me to identify and lean into my strengths which helped me to confidently operate in this new space.

Her guidance has not only helped me become a better leader but she has also provided me tools to develop deeper relationships with my coworkers, family, and friends.

RC Peck, CFP®


Fearless Wealth

Janet is a person that once you work with her you wish you would have known about her five years ago.

I have been able to get farther on my projects by having her involved in my business then if I would have simply done what I "knew" to do.

Finanically, working with Janet has been one of my best investments. I'd recommend her (and have) to any of my clients that need to accelerate their revenues.

Victoria Peterson,


Principal, Chief Experience Orchestrator at

E3 | Events, Experiences, Environments

Janet's welcoming style made sharing my business goals and struggles comfortable and easy.

She is a great listener and asked the right questions to understand my current path.

I received several actionable ideas and resources to further my business within a short amount of time!

Carpe Diem

Don't Let Inertia Kill Your Dreams

Life has its ups and downs. Just because things have always been a certain way doesn't mean it needs to stay that way.

The longer something that is bothering you goes on, the more painful it becomes and the harder it is to get yourself out of it. After a time things that once horrified us start to feel normal. Ack!

Turn the Vicious into Productive

The flip side is that once things start to get better they tend to get better everywhere. We get our confidence back and our dreams start feeling exciting to us.

  • step into your leadership

  • align your team

  • more you, more life!

Got an impossible dream?

Let's talk about it in your FREE Vision Clarity Session.

Not ready to talk? Please download my free resource, and get started on your transformation journey.

For Exec Coaches

Horse-Assisted Coaching