
Let's Get Started! It's as Easy as 1,2,3

Apply Here for Your FREE Vision Clarity Session!

Choosing a coach is a big deal. You are looking for a guide you trust to help you make the change you are seeking in your life.

So let's sit down and chat, no charge, and see if we work well together.

1) Click on the "Apply Today" button.

2) Briefly answer 5 questions. I'm not looking for a long essay. I just want to know if you are a real person, and if the coaching I offer is in the ball park of what you need. If it's not, chances are I can give you a referral to someone who is a better fit.

3) Within 24 business hours I will reply personally, and we'll take it from there.


Beth Roemer

Special Counsel and Program Architect at

Stanford Law School

I can strongly recommend Janet as a coach. I was impressed with her skills as a Training Manager for NLP Marin when I assisted there.

I have witnessed her ability to establish rapport and support positive change with a variety of people.

In addition to years of experience in business and a deep expertise with NLP, she brings warmth and a sense of humor to her practice.

James Pitman

IT Director / IT Program Manager at Parker Technology Mgmnt

As a new entrepreneur, I had a lot of things to work on. And with my business background, I knew I was good at some things but not at others.

I often found myself stuck . . . getting past some blocks I had around how best to move forward.

It’s very difficult for most of us to see ourselves in a way that enables us to get past whatever is holding us back, even if we have a lot of business experience.

That’s why I sought out Janet. I knew she would be able to help me examine the old beliefs I had about myself and create new ways of seeing things that would help me get the results I wanted. Now I have not only a better vision for my future, but more resources for attaining my goals

Luba Yusim

Director, Marketing and Communications at


Despite doing a lot of work on myself over the years, I have really struggled with my boundaries in professional settings.

I often felt that I was not being heard, operated from a victim mentality, and would lose my sense of agency.

Throughout the Empowered Boundaries course, I gained greater awareness of the dynamics at play at work and how I contribute to them.

I learned helpful tools that have supported me with shifting how I show up, how to ask for what I need, and how to build my confidence in the process. I am grateful for all I learned and know that these tools are invaluable as I grow in my career.

Apply Today for Your FREE Vision Clarity Session!

Not Ready to Talk? Keep In Touch Anyway!

Free Resource Download:

The Energy Optimization System FREE download is a concise exercise to help you spend less time and energy on things that sap you, and more time and energy on things that give you energy.

Enjoy the worksheet and please reach out if you want some coaching around how to implement the described strategies.

For Exec Coaches

Horse-Assisted Coaching