Learning with the Help of Horses

Horse-Assisted Coaching

The Path to Embodying Presence

What is that mythical thing called "executive presence" and how do we get more of it? The heart of leadership, is moving with presence and aligned intention.

Working with horses you can develop :

  • Mutual Respect

  • Confidence

  • TrustPerspective

  • Executive Presence

To Get Started:

Please schedule a 30-minute "zoom coffee" chat. We will take a moment to connect and create understanding; and then work out session logistics.

Lack of Presence Does Not Serve You


When we are not present, we often don't even know what we feel. Our brains are so busy wondering what another person thinks, making up scenarios with little basis in fact, jumping ahead in our day . . . that we lose track of our own experience.

Eventually, we can lose track of who we are and what we value.


Human beings often reach for control when we don't feel safe, when something is new, when we don't yet trust our colleague...

That doesn't make it right.

That doesn't make it useful.

And most importantly, it doesn't bring happiness.

Lack of Influence

When we are not embodying our own values it's difficult to advocate for them


There's nobody there, so how can you have influence?

Horse-Assisted Coaching Offerings

One-to-One Sessions

Individual sessions are approximately 90-minutes and are currently delivered at Medicine Horse Ranch in Tomales. Half-day personal workshops can also be arranged.

Each session begins with a discussion of what your intention is for the session, what is it you are working to transform in your life? We will then set up an activity with the horse(s) and interpret their feedback together.

There is no horseback riding. All activities are done with your two feet on the ground. No horsemanship or prior equine experience is necessary.

To Get Started:

Please schedule a 30-minute "zoom coffee" chat. We will take a moment to connect and create understanding; and then work out session logistics.

Sage Embodiment

Leadership is about moving into and maintaining a positive, creative and intentional stance towards life. In the Positive Intelligence® course we call this the "Sage Perspective".

The exercises in this workshop help participants to energetically embody this perspective and create strong reference experiences of what it FEELS like when you are fully in Sage mode.

When our minds fall into old traps, our bodies and our subtle energy field also represent this friction. We may tense up, become nervous, disassociated, or distracted and that energetic shift has an impact on the people and other beings around us.

Often we are unaware of what our bodies are doing, or the impact of it. In Western society, we are not trained to notice and in fact are often discouraged.

Horses read our energy like a book and they mirror back the energy we are actually representing, which may be different than what we think we are representing. If there are hidden lies from the self, or hidden dynamics in a team, working with horses will immediately bring them to the surface.

This workshop is designed to practice the energetic embodiment of the Sage Perspective and each of the 5 Sage muscles will be practiced.

  • Completion of the Positive Intelligence® foundational 6-week course is a pre-requisite.

The workshop can be done:

  • - as two half-day individual (or couple) sessions

  • - as a full day workshop with either an intact team or in the group workshop offered twice a year.

Interested? Let's have a 30-minute "zoom coffee"!

The Art of Leadership--Teambuilding

When a team is not functioning optimally--disengaged members, people not getting along, people not in their "swim lanes", passivity... it can cost an organization thousands or even millions of dollars. Nevermind that it also makes the organization toxic and then everything to do with people from recruitment to retention, gets exponentially harder.

In order to evolve to a place where people can trust each other to do their best work, they have to really see each other. And they have to understand the impact that their energy, their participation (or not) is having on the group.

Horse-Assisted team building is a unique situation where the feedback is abundantly clear and is coming from a completely non-judgemental, present and loving source. People will often do things for the horse that they will not do for themselves.

Our team building events can be life-changing for the individuals and trajectory-changing for a team. They build trust and communication and are fun, engaging and collaborative rather than competitive.

There is no prior horse experience required and athletic skill is not correlated with performance...in fact the activities are designed to be about learning, not performance.

The ability to experience collectively, and in the moment what is and what is not working offers profound opportunities to practice something new and is both effective, sustainable and unforgettable.

The Art of Leadership program was created by Gerhard Krebs and the Horse Dream company has licensed partners all over the world. If you would like to have this program delivered in multiple locations, we can help you to arrange that.

Interested in finding out more and bringing your team out? Please set up a time to talk.


Angela Dunz

Be a LinkedIn Badass

LinkedIn Training, Coaching, & Strategy

I signed up for Janet's Empowered Boundaries Bootcamp. Wow. I knew I had some challenges around boundaries.

This was the most powerful group class I have taken so far. The supplementary materials, videos, worksheets are so useful. One is on my wall in front of my desk.

And working through real life scenarios with peers and Janet's expert advice, was Very Powerful.

I worked through some fundamental issues - not easily, but effectively. I turned around and taught all of it to my son! The gift that keeps on giving! Thank you Janet!

Tobi Lessem

Owner and Practitioner at Bodywise Massage, Inc

Janet led an empowering 5 week workshop that I was fortunate to attend during the SIP and pandemic.

Her experience, dedication, and skill were apparent. To be able to coordinate a virtual workshop during such a volatile time is difficult at best.

Janet not only created a much-needed workshop, but also found ways to engage all of the participants, to offer tangible resources, and to help us determine our next steps in business and professional growth.

I highly recommend Janet if you are at a transition in your professional life and/or if you are looking for coaching by someone who truly understands the nuance of that intersection of 'personal and professional'.

Volker Frank

Agile Coach, Management Consultant, Executive Coach

Volker Frank Consulting

A while back I hit a point in my life where I needed to make a big change in my career. The challenges and adventures of my day job became boring and unbearable. I knew that I could not bring some of the talents I hold dear into my professional life.

Janet has been a trusted guide and explorer to support me through a big professional transition that is now bearing fruit.

She draws deeply from her experience working for global corporations and her own career moves to let me discover what is really important to me and how to move safely out of my comfort zone towards my own definition of success.

Big changes seem to come with big emotions. Janet really understands the emotional aspects of transitions, and how to direct attention at each step that leads to a better place. You want an excellent guide and advisor through transitions - and Janet is able to provide you the best of both.

Your Body Is for Life

This work has tentacles. You will never forget the experiences you have with horses.

We regularly get feedback that the experience was life changing.

And we also hear these words: "I wish I had come sooner."

Don't let that be you, come sooner, AND later.

  • Increase Self Awareness

  • Increase Emotional Intelligence

  • Increase Connection

To Get Started:

Please schedule a 30-minute "zoom coffee" chat. We will take a moment to connect and create understanding; and then work out session logistics.

For Exec Coaches

Horse-Assisted Coaching