The Authentic Leader

The Authentic Leader

The Path to Intentional Leadership

I help social venture leaders create great cultures that match their high values and get impactful results. Vibrant and value-aligned cultures attract both funding and potential team members.

We do this by starting with you.

Apply for a complimentary Vision Clarity Session here:

When Your Life and Org Culture Are Not Aligned:

Lower Results

Many people think that having a strong mission, vision and values is the end of the story. In fact, it is just the beginning.

When day-to-day actions do not align with stated values, it creates a visceral disconnect that repels people from fully engaging.

Unhealthy Conflict

When people bury their anger, gossip, or accept a toxic situation as normal, you have a problem.

You may think you are being nice but when anger and resentment are hidden everybody's effectiveness suffers and nobody is growing.

The Endless Checklist

Without a systematic way of prioritizing actions, life can feel like an endless checklist. You just have assigned tasks and low engagement.

When that happens:

  • Energy gets zapped and life loses its flavor.

  • Impact is elusive.

  • Retention suffers.

Time to Become Intentional

Be the leader people WANT to follow.

The power of invitation extends to you whether you are a positional leader or not you can:

  • Be clear and inclusive in your communications, and keep your eye on the prize.

  • Stand for your values.

  • Keep your "WHY" at the center of everything you do.

When you are fully leading from intention, you are present, focused and moving towards your vision. Your attention is spent on what furthers this vision and it bocomes relatively easy to prioritize, delegate, and set appropriate boundaries. It creates an attractive energy that people want to be part of.

Apply for a complimentary Vision Clarity Session here:


Vanna Whitney, AIA, CGBP


Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

The course was excellent! The 4 pronged approach to teaching the leadership/ boundary content was an effective way to guide us through concepts that while not so complex, do take a while to sink in and require thought and implementation to understand, and practice in order to adopt.

Janet's teaching during the meetings, and videos and worksheets afterwards gave us excellent content to work with inside and outside the meetings.

Janet's coaching of the group, and teaching the group to coach each other: a) helped cement the concepts we were learning, b) helped broadened our exposure to ideas and issues beyond our own as we learned from hearing other participants' coaching and c) modeled how one can carry the discipline of empowering leadership forward for oneself.

Marie Chaisson

Director of Strategy and Operations for Mid-Market,


Janet has helped me tremendously to better visualize and articulate my potential, which has translated into tangible career growth.

She has deep business experience which combined with her coaching tools and frameworks also made me stretch and learn to be more effective in my current role.

Janet is generous, authentic and above all snaps me out of it when I fail to see the obvious.

I would recommend her to any professional who is looking to be more fulfilled in their career.

John Robin

Director, Business Technology Partner,

First Republic Bank

Working with Janet is an experience that goes beyond the usual coaching session. We worked one-on-one to look at where my career is headed, where I would like it to go, and what is holding me back from achieving my goals.

But it doesn't just end with a to-do list and a promise to review in a week or two. Instead, we spent time looking deeper into the darker regions of my psyche where the resistance to success originates, and we explored how that manifests in my daily reality.

I left with a new sense of self awareness that I was able to apply directly to my daily activities. Janet's approach is to confront the fears and beliefs that just get in the way of success and happiness. It is not psychotherapy... it is an application of self realization.

About the Authentic Leader Program

The Authentic Leader program is a commitment of your time and energy to further your growth as a person and as a leader. The program elements are designed to be extended to include your team as appropriate. The minimum length of program engagement is 6-months.

The exact intention of your program and combination of elements will be determined in conversation with you.

The program includes:

  • The Positive Intelligence® program

    6-weeks of app-based learning to develop Mental Fitness.

  • Individual online sessions

    Sessions are usually 75-minutes. The number of sessions is customized to how much individual versus group work you wish to engage in.

  • The Sage Embodiment program

    This Horse-Assisted Coaching program can be done individually or with a group.

  • The Authentic Leader Program:

    7-modules of leadership content delivered online through self-paced learning

    o Imposter Syndrome to Confidence

    o Giving and Receiving Feedback

    o Core Navigation

    o Energy Management

    o Influence

    o Strategy in Action

    o Powerful Decisions

Apply for a complimentary Vision Clarity Session here:

The Sage Leader Mastermind

This mastermind is a monthly meeting available to Choice Point Leadership clients who have taken the Positive Intelligence course.

The program includes additional Mental Fitness training through the Positive Intelligence® Grow program.

  • * The program is available as a team/organization mastermind.

  • * Modules do not have to be completed in any order.

The Authentic Leader Modules

o Imposter Syndrome to Confidence

Available from May 2023

70% of all people have struggled with imposter syndrome at least once in their life, that percentage increases for women and for minorities especially in fields like tech and finance where there is low representation. This module dives into the reasons for the syndrome, and what to do about it for yourself and your organization.

o Giving and Receiving Feedback

Available from June 2023

We all know we should have those difficult conversations but we do not always do them. Starting with positive encouragement and communicating a caring stance, the course dives into best practices that create trust and openness.

o Core Navigation

Available from July 2023

This module centers around developing clearly articulated values, vision and mission . . . your personal WHY. This is like developing your own personal compass to steer your life.

o Energy Management

Available from September 2023

Many people think time management is about being more productive, when in fact it's really about living by your values. Her you will learn how to spend your time and energy in ways that have heart and meaning for you.

o Influence

Available from November 2023

Not all people are alike. In this module you will learn to use language and non-verbal communication in ways that other people can hear.

o Strategy in Action

Available from January 2024

Learn to pause and get the miles-high view and then dive down to a granular level. We will workshop strategic models and devise plans that will get you into aligned action.

o Powerful Decisions

Available from March 2024

Sometimes in life we are presented with difficult choices. How do we decide what to do? This module digs into the latest findings on decision making.

To Get Started

Apply for a complimentary Vision Clarity Session here:

What Will Your Journey Be?

The Power of Alignment

The group experience is richer, more fruitful and more fun. The individual experience is more tailored to your needs.

The online experience is convenient, the live experience with horses has an unmatched power.

Why not do it all in this powerful program?

Join us. There will be laughter, there might be tears, there will be core level learning and growth.

  • Get Your Mindset in Growth Mode

  • Engage in Learning and Applying

  • Align Your Life with Your Values

Apply for a complimentary Vision Clarity Session here:

For Exec Coaches

Horse-Assisted Coaching