Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching is, hands down, the best way to go to leap frog your success in life. Especially when the group bonds over a day outdoors with horses!

Leadership starts within. That's why I have two foundational group coaching programs that are open to all: Empowered Boundaries and The 10-Day Clarity Challenge.

Peer Coaching Circles are offered by invitation and application. If you are interested, please apply for a Vision Clarity Session.

If you are hungry to advance your leadership with true peers think about joining the next group:

  • The Confidence Rx (Self Leadership)
  • The Collaboration Factor (Team Leadership)
  • Achieving Collection (Organizational Leadership)

The Confidence Rx

The Confidence Rx is a 6-month peer coaching program open to graduates of the Empowered Boundaries course. The group will meet every other week for 90-minutes with the intent to build on and expand self-leadership.

In order to have confidence in ourselves, we have to believe that we can accomplish our goals. This course focuses on the art of giving and receiving effective feedback as this is a critical skill to master in order to achieve success.

The course includes:

- 12 bi-weekly mastermind sessions online;

- access to an online self-leadership playbook;

- an individual 360 profile (I work with The Leadership Circle);

- 3 one-to-one individual sessions;

- The Art of Leadership, a one-day horse assisted coaching program (the group will do this together with Janet as lead facilitator)

The Collaboration Factor

The Collaboration Factor is a 10-month peer coaching program open to graduates of The Confidence Rx. The group will meet every other week for 90-minutes with the intent to master team leadership skills.

This course focuses on the skills and mindset necessary to lead and manage others. It is most appropriate for managers who have at least a few direct reports. Skills practiced include: running meetings, developing others, presenting ideas, keeping accountability high, and creating job agreements.

The course includes:

- 20 bi-weekly mastermind sessions online;

- access to an online team-leadership playbook;

- an individual 360 profile (I work with The Leadership Circle);

- 5 one-to-one individual sessions;

- Teambuilding with Horses, a one-day horse assisted coaching program (the group will do this together with Janet as lead facilitator)

Achieving Collection

Achieving Collection is a 10-month peer mastermind open to graduates of The Collaboration Factor. The group will meet every other week for 90-minutes with the intent to act as a peer mastermind for organizational leaders.

In horsemanship, the goal of many riders is to achieve "collection". It is when the horse's center of gravity shifts backwards and they can perform even the most athletically demanding maneuvers with ease. From the outside it looks like the horse and rider are one. I use the term here to describe the state an organization is in when the team is happy, the culture is empowered, people know their jobs and are performing well . . . then strategy can then be developed and implemented from the bottom up as well as the top down simultaneously.

This course focuses on developing and implementing strategy. It is most suitable for CEOs or those senior managers with strategic, business unit level responsibilities.

The course includes:

- 20 bi-weekly peer mastermind sessions online;

- access to an online organizational-leadership playbook;

- an individual 360 profile (I use The Leadership Circle);

- 5 one-to-one individual sessions;

- Organizational Leadership with Horses, a one-day horse assisted coaching program (the group will do this together with Janet as lead facilitator)

For Exec Coaches

Horse-Assisted Coaching